Setting up a Sons of the Forest server

Accessing and Configuring Your Sons of the Forest Server

Step 1: Access Your Server Configuration

  1. Log in to your server’s control panel.

  2. Stop your server to ensure changes can be safely made.

  3. Navigate to: /home/container/serverconfig/dedicatedserver.cfg

Step 2: Change Your Server Configuration

Once you have access to the configuration file, you can modify the server settings as needed. Below is a table of the available configurations and their descriptions:




Automatic Steam Updates

Enable or disable automatic updates for the server alongside Sons of the Forest Steam updates.

Enable, Disable

Server Name

Sets the name of your server, displayed in the server list.

Text string

Max Players

Specifies the maximum number of players allowed on the server. Cannot exceed your hosting plan limit.

Integer (e.g., 10)

Server Password

Adds a password for server access. Leave blank for a public server.

Text string or empty

Steam Beta

Opt-in to a Beta version of Steam for the server.

Enable, Disable

Save Slot

Determines the save slot used by the server.

Integer (1 or higher)

Save Interval (seconds)

Sets how often the server automatically saves progress.

Integer (e.g., 300)

Save Mode

Configures how save files are handled:

Continue or New

- Continue: Loads an existing save or creates a new save if none exists.

- New: Overwrites the save slot with a new game.

Game Mode

Sets the difficulty for new saves. This does not affect existing saves.

Normal, Hard, Hard Survival, Peaceful, Custom

Idle Day Cycle Speed

Determines the speed at which time passes when no players are connected.

Multiplier (e.g., 1.0 for normal speed)


Enables or disables server logs, saved in the /logs folder via FTP.

Enable, Disable


Grants admin permissions to specific players using their Steam64IDs.

Comma-separated list of Steam64IDs

Step 3: Save and Restart

  1. After editing the dedicatedserver.cfg file, save your changes.

  2. Restart your server to apply the new configuration.

Last updated

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