Uploading Files Via SFTP
Our game systems use a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) to move files between our servers and your computer.
With this, you can move more data than the traditional uploading method with a web-based browser!
We recommend FileZilla.
When you're ready to connect to your game server to upload files, you can easily find all the information at https://gamepanel.fourseasonshosting.com/ under the “Settings” tab. In the bubble labeled “SFTP Details” and can copy and paste the server details to FileZilla
Your password will be the one you created when set up your game panel access account.
Port is 2022
Once the details are entered you can click “Quickconnect” on FileZilla and if all details are correct you should have been granted access!
Your FileZilla would look something like this once the information is filled out
Last updated