Admin Commands Guide

Below is a comprehensive list of commands available for administrators. If you need help becoming an administrator, please refer to our guide.

To use these commands, open the console in-game by pressing the tilde (~) key, and enter the desired command based on the action you wish to perform:



gm key [Admin Password]

Open the game master in-game control panel.

gm AddExp [value]

Grant yourself the specified amount of experience points.

gm Addmjexp [value]

Grant yourself the specified amount of mask experience points.

gm Addshoulieexp [value]

Grant yourself the specified amount of hunting experience.

gm XiDian

Reset your skill points.

gm ZiSha 1

Respawn or suicide your character.

gm FuHuo

Revive yourself.

gm Shanhao

Delete your character or user account.


Display your current location coordinates.

gm ZhaoMu

Aim at an NPC and recruit them using this command.

gm Go [position x] [position y] [position z]

Teleport to the specified coordinates.

gm ClearAllNpc

Remove all NPCs from the server.

gm ClearSelect

Remove the currently selected target.

gm ShuaXinZhiBei

Respawn vegetation within a small radius.

gm ShowInfo 1

Display detailed information about yourself.

gm ShowInfo 0

Display basic information about your character.

gm SetAttr YinShen 1

Activate invisibility for your character.

gm SetAttr YinShen 0

Deactivate invisibility for your character.


Repair mask nodes.

gm ShowMap

Unlock and reveal the entire world map.

gm KeJiShu

Unlock all nodes in the tech tree.

gm ShowReDu

Display a chart of all barbarian invasion heat information.

gm ClearAllReDu

Clear all barbarian invasion heat information.

gm AddReDu [value]

Increase the barbarian invasion heat at your current location by the specified value.

gm ChongZhiRenWu

Reset all tutorial missions for your character.

Debuginfo 1

View current server status information.

Debuginfo 0

Hide current server status information.

Use these commands to manage your Soulmask server effectively and enjoy enhanced control over your gaming environment.

Last updated

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